Realistic AI Image Generator: Top 4 Best Realistic AI Image Generator

Realistic AI image generators change everything in the field of photography and image designing and can generate photos that look like the photo design from Photoshop. It helps graphic designers, and content creators, streamline content to make their projects look far better.
We have created a list of the best image generators ( free or paid ) for every type of user.

The prompt is here:
Generate an image of a picnic in a park. People enjoy gathering with a diverse group of every age, a child. young, old man. The bird on trees and butterflies flies around.

DALL-E 3: Realistic AI Image Generator

Realistic AI image generator
Realistic AI image generator

DALL-E 3 is better than DALL-E 2 at making pictures from words. It creates very real and detailed pictures. It’s not just about better pictures; it also makes sure the words fit well into the pictures it makes, which was hard for AI before.
Who can use it:

  • Designers and artists
  • To show ideas visually
  • People who love to make images from AI
    Creative experts will love using it to turn their thoughts into colorful pictures. Businesses can show who they are and what they want without spending lots on fancy designs.

And for regular folks amazed by the wonders of a picture-making AI? DALL-E 3 is easy to use but also strong, giving you simple tools for great results.


  • Comes with ChatGPT Plus membership
  • No charge if you use it in Bing Chat
  • Different prices for big companies

You can use it free with AI in Bing Chat in Microsoft Edge. If you have Chatbot Plus, you can use Dall-E 3 to get catchy images.


  • Better picture quality
  • Makes words fit well
  • Works with Bing Chat
  • Keeps things safe

DALL-E 3 makes pictures clearer and nicer than before. It’s good at putting words in the pictures, which was hard before. It works with Bing Chat, so more people can use it. Also, it’s safe and won’t show anything bad or owned by someone else.


  • Can’t change pictures much
  • Results can vary
  • Doesn’t have all the editing options DALL-E 2 had

DALL-E 3 is better than DALL-E 2 in some ways. Sometimes, when you ask, ChatGPT can make things just how you want them. But other times, it might not be exactly what you had in mind. You might not get the tools like erasing parts or adding something here.

With DALL-E 3, it’s more about telling ChatGPT what you want and seeing what it comes up with. It’s a different way of doing things, but it still has a lot to offer.

Craiyon: Realistic AI Image Generator

Craiyon enters the game with its AI perspective. Type in your idea, and poof! Suddenly, there’s a picture.

It adds the things you give in the prompt, and sometimes it adds the things you don’t give. But that’s what makes art exciting, right? Craiyon is all about turning words into pictures, a modern tool for the digital world.
Who can use it:

  • People who love AI
  • Experts in marketing, design, or art
  • Starters who want easy tools

Craiyon has everything that you want from design to art. It is free and makes AI-generated pictures which is good for new social media users or AI users.


  • No payment for making pictures
  • Download pictures with the price
  • if you pay yearly $5/month
  • $20/month if you pay yearly

Craiyon lets you take pictures for free. If you want to download the pic, you need to pay for them.


  • Easy to use and understand
  • Free for people who want to try it
  • Can turn AI pictures into things you can wear

Craiyon is a good choice if you’re new to making AI pictures and you want to try it for free. The dashboard is easy to use.

And you can do lots of things with it – from making art to telling stories. It’s cool that you can make as many pictures as you want for free, and it’s safe too.


  • Pictures might not always look good
  • Can’t change pictures much
  • Takes longer than other similar tools

Craiyon uses AI to make pictures. But, if you put the wrong prompt or miss the words in your prompt you might not get the better result.

Waiting for your pictures can be annoying, especially if you see ads when you’re using the free version. And even though AI is amazing, Craiyon might still make mistakes or show things that aren’t right.

Midjourney: Realistic AI Image Generator

Midjourney is an AI tool that makes very realistic pictures when you give the prompt. It’s good at making detailed pictures, especially in different art styles. It is also workable on Discord you can give it a command to generate images.
Who can use it:

  • People who love to make art
  • Experts who have a craze for designing
  • Those who love AI

You can join the discord group if you are new to AI and whose don’t know how to generate pic with the help of AI.

Artists and designers will like the results of mid-journey. Experts in branding or media might find it useful for big projects. And if you’re into AI, the Discord group is a cool place to learn more about digital art together.


  • Four levels of membership with choices for paying every month or every year.
  • Save 20% if you pay for a whole year upfront.
  • With any membership, you will get access to the midjourney gallery and can use pic for business purposes.

You have to pay to use pictures. The basic plan is enough for most of the users who generate one to two pics a day.
If you are a daily user with lots of pictures, it might be helpful to get the standard plan whose price will be 30$ or more.


  • Very good, real-looking pictures made by AI.
  • A lively Discord group where people help each other and learn together.
  • Plans are not very expensive and also fulfill different needs.

Midjourney is like a place where you can find amazing ideas and make beautiful pictures with AI. It is easy to use, you can create pictures from your own ideas.

If you are a new user, you do have not to understand it with attention. There are lots of styles and detailed pictures to explore. Plus, there is an update to make it far better to use. It’s a modern tool made for everyone.


  • No free version anymore, and subscriptions can be expensive if you don’t use it a lot.
  • Hands and teeth or other parts may not be too realistic.
  • Everyone on Discord can see what you’re doing, which might bother you if you like privacy.
  • If you are not a Discord user, then you have to understand how to use the Discord.

Despite its good points, there are some things to think about before using Midjourney.

It might bit confusing to use Discord if you are a new Discord user. And if you like keeping your art private, remember that everyone can see it on Discord.

Canva AI: Realistic AI Image Generator

Okay, let’s discuss the Canva Realistic AI Image Generator. This tool uses Stable Diffusion to make many realistic pictures. It’s one of the features in the Canvas “Magic Studio” package.
Who can use it:

  • Design experts
  • for content creators
  • for artists
  • for moviemakers and writers
  • Companies and groups that manage social media

Whether you are a professional designer, a content creator, or a moviemaker this will help you.


  • Free ( generate up to 50 pictures)
  • $10 per month ($119.99 if paid for a whole year) or $14.99 if paid monthly for Canva Pro Plan to make 500 pictures per person.

You can first try it out to generate pictures to see how it works. You need to sign up if you want to make more pictures.

And if you have a team, they have a special plan for that. The cost depends on how many people are in your team.


  • It can generate the pictures more quickly.
  • You have lots of choices. You can try out different designs, like fonts and special effects.
  • You can use it without a tutorial, but the tutorial will make the work faster.
  • Time is valuable, and Canva AI helps you save a lot of it by making pictures fast.

The magic design performs well and will give the result that you want from it. If you upload a picture, Canva makes your design journey smoother and makes it more attractive.


  • It might be time-consuming other than regular Canva AI.
  • Canva has major styles but other offers a wide variety of features.
  • If you want to make realistic pictures, you might be a little disappointed. It will not fulfill your thoughts in the case of hands and teeth.

Frequent Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the best AI for realistic photos?
Midjourney is good for complex requests and detailed teachings. We compared Midjourney with DreamStudio and some other choices. Midjourney is a bit harder to use than DreamStudio and others.

Is Midjourney AI free to use?
Starting from June 2023, you can’t use Midjourney for free anymore. They offer a different subscription to use Midjourney. The basic plan costs $10 every month or $96 for a whole year. With any plan, you can use the midjourney member gallery and join Discord.

Which AI generates images for free?
You can use Canva AI for free if you want to give AI image generation a swirl. You can generate up to 50 images on a free account. If you want more image generations and access to a suite of advanced tools, plus a wider collection of templates, you’ll need to sign up for their Pro Plan.

Who owns Midjourney?
David Holz, who was a co-founder of Leap Motion, created Midjourney, Inc. in San Francisco, California. The Midjourney image-making forum started its open beta on July 12, 2022.

John Wasman

John Wasman is a seasoned author with over nine years of experience specialising in generation, artificial intelligence, and automation technology. Passionate about exploring the nuances of the tech world, John can provide insightful and engaging writing that captivates an extensive variety of readers. His know-how in breaking down complicated technological ideas into clean, compelling content material has established him as a reputable and influential voice in the industry.

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