China introduced two robot dogs. One had a machine gun and the other utilized AI. As for the two, China Central Television has mentioned them.
The two robot dogs resemble Boston Dynamics’ robotic dog, which is called “Spot. ”The larger one which measures about 1. 6 metres tall and stands about 1. 5 metres tall is armed with a machine gun and is operated by a Chinese soldier and it measures 50kg (110 pounds). It is fired by the soldier. Chen Wei, a Chinese soldier, said that it could be of assistance in operations where many of the battles take place within built-up areas, to locate enemies and then engage in assault during exercises.
The other is a robot dog that is lighter, with a mass of 15 kilogrammes (or 30 pounds). It can go round a battlefield without reference to the human controller due to its Artificial Intelligence capability. It can also send information about objects such as, wire fence and tires and other difficult to perceive objects to the car.
The above gestures include jump, move forward and backward, and even lie down. Perhaps it could crawl under stuff that comes at it or simply request for an ordinary tummy scratch.
I still believe that China’s robot dogs equipped with machine guns aren’t extraordinary. Here the same ideas are used in US military as well. They desire human beings to be in possession of the guns, not mechanical robots as is the current trend. This matches what many countries think: The facts described above indicate that it is too dangerous to let the robots decide for themselves in war. It is a disadvantage as mishandling a situation could lead to an escalation of the problem.
China didn’t explain if there robot dogs are ready for war. Using of these robot and apply In Combodia It seems that they have in mind.
However, there are questions that arise as to whether the given tools will be of help. The batteries in their belly for instance can only power the devices for two to four hours, said China Central Television. That I don’t know: that is not much time, really, for a fight.