Is Homelander A Hero Or Villain? The Boys

An excellent example of controversy in an superhero-series is the main character of The Boys named Homelander. He is played by Antony Starr. Homelander embodies the purest sense of the “what if” – what if, the best modern superhero was not only a person with deep problems, but a criminal? He has immense power, however his character is so horrifying. Fans are drawn to him. You find yourself loving his power while at the same time terrified by his evil.

It is now high time to unravel how antagonist Homelander is one of the most memorable TV characters.

Who Is Homelander?

Homelander is the head of “The Seven” the most popular superhero team in The Boys. He is a patriotic symbol of America, and of superheroes at that for Vought International. They include enhanced strength, ability to emit red laser beams from the eyes, flight and near bullet proof nature. All these abilities make him almost invincible.

But I see, there is something hidden, which is much less appealing. Often, he seems more aligned with villains, such as Superman, whom he has replaced as the main character of the story. He is clearly not powered by justice or equity. Only he wants to be in full charge and be praised by all the people of the country. He is a narcissist and he will do anything within his capacity to remain in charge and popular.

How Was Homelander Created?


Homelander did not have any of those powers at birth either. He emerged from Vought International, a forceful organization that bio-gene scientist superheroes out of a chemical compound, Compound V. The very birth of Homelander was done in a laboratory. He was practically monitored, making him lack the normal childhood that children of his age should have.

This very isolation, thus, left him emotionally undeveloped and, indeed, this can only have been made worse by his having been raised in isolation. He does not seem to portend to having a gross insight into human feelings. Homelander does not in one way feel love, empathy, and remorse like any other person does. But in fact all his actions are caused by a lust for attention and the desire to be admired. He is a very egotistical person, who enjoys being in the forefront and will do anything to remain there.

That is why when analyzing his actions one can state that he was born evil, and his twisted way of looking at the world as well as the lack of empathy which he displays, can be explained solely by the way he was raised.

Homelander’s Powers | Current Strengths & Weaknesses

The reason Homelander is up there is that science granted him god-like powers which makes him one of the most deadly characters in The Boys. Here’s a breakdown of his most notable abilities:

1. Super Strength: Homelander has the power to overpower any person that may decide to oppose him. This gives him the upper hand where strength is concerned barely making him lose any fight.

2. Flight: He is fast flyer – can fly at incredibly high speeds. This enables him to transfer from ones place to another in minutes, thus a threat to the world.

3. Laser Vision: Homelander has the ability to emit highly powerful beams of heat from the eyes. This power can kill the enemies and the buildings in a manner of moments.

4. Invulnerability: It is almost impossible to harm him. Be it bullets, bombs or other weapons, they do not harm him.

They make him a formidable character that would be more dangerous, given his apathetic approach toward life. There are no constraints easily defined as there are in the biomechanical viewpoint about what he can accomplish. The only thing that appears to hinder him slightly is his concern with the material popularity.

Is Homelander a Villain?


One of the most hotly-discussed questions that most critics and fans ask themselves, when watching The Boys show and the Homelander character is whether Homelander is really a villain. At first glance they may seem like the spectator of a heroic movie. He commits miracles, prevents unlawful acts, and paints himself into hope. But the vital characters and consequences paint quite in different picture here based on his actions.

Homelander is dishonest and selfish. Unless it is to his advantage, he doesn’t care if he is helping to save lives or not. Most of the things he does as a ‘hero’ are performed in front of the camera. In fact, he becomes a killer of many characters on the show and a great cover up artist. They say he has no respect for human life. However, due to his authority and popularity among the general populace none can challenge him.

Homelander’s Position and Interaction with “The Seven”

Homelander is the boss man of the “Seven” and thus he has all the say. He supervises the most powerful super heroes of the whole world. Despite that, the man in charge isn’t quite as fair-minded as one might expect. He leads through the barrel of a gun and the threat of force. The other members of The Seven often tend to feel compelled to fear him in some form or the other. He is naughty and cruel.

Homelander also seems to have a highly abusive dynamic with Queen Maeve and Starlight both of whom are female members of The Seven. He often humiliates them and proves his authority over them. This has proven his superior ego.

However, the large audience expects The Seven from Homelander, so this team is necessary for the image of a robust superhero. The team assist on concealing his evil character. It enables him to go on perpetrating his malevolent deeds without being penalized by the society.

Why Do Fans Love Homelander?

But then, given Homelander’s sadism, one might wonder why the character is so well-loved. Nevertheless, the partial list of reasons for such interest can be provided below. First, Homelander is very charismatic. Antony Starr himself has made the character quite charming. He can be funny one time and slaughtering people the next.

Second, Homelander also throws some questions to the political power and corruptibility. If a man could do as he wanted, how would he do it? They did wish that they’d stay good, whereas Homelander was turning evil. The suggested questions help audiences reconsider what a hero or a villain is, which makes these thoughts inspiring.

Finally, there is ambiguity in the case of Homelander and this makes people interested. He is not entirely evil and not one-dimensional. His previous life, the people in his life and his problems complete his personality. Those moments when he makes people angry, his fans still need to know why this is happening. That is why he is such an interesting guy to watch – he is quite unpredictable.

Homelander’s mental problems

It can be said that the main focus on Homelander’s personality is his emotional and psychological issues. The man has been living in seclusion with no parents, or anyone from the human race to even interact with him. This is actually the reason why he so much lacks affection and constantly looks for Alistair’s love and appreciation. Nevertheless, the man has a problem and an inability not only to make real friends, but even to find them.

He demands love through Domination, admiration, status, and inflicting pains in someone. His egocentrism is one of the things that define him most. Homelander is a perfect example of an antihero because he is genuinely convinced he is better than everyone else. This superiority complex leads him to wrong and deadly decisions most of the time. He has no empathy; he craves attention, and together with that, he is terribly unstable.

Sometimes even Homelander who presents the epitome of masculinity and power has these weak moments. However, such moments are rare or, at least, momentary. What makes him all the more interesting is these few brief moments of what might just be him being human. The audience is left wanting to know whether he will transform or if he is total lost cause.

Can Homelander Ever Be beaten?

It is a question many fans have while watching The Boys. I am at a loss for how Homelander could be stopped․ At this point he is basically super-soldier who can take any sort of beating with little to no consequence. However, the show makes speculations that he is going to be free from an external foe. It could come from within.

Over all, Homelander is a character that has a very unstable personality. He is afraid of being rejected, and any ant that is exposed to the public puts him on the edge. Perhaps, the biggest problem could be a man inside his head. We shall wait and see as to how his character evolves in the process of the show. Could it be that this brilliant mind was slipping and that he could be destroyed by it?


Homelander is one of the most exceptional shows in television with its striking and frightening anti-heroes. He has all the abilities of a superman but possesses an unsound self-esteem, which is perfect for a show’s antagononist. In addition, he compels the audience to examine the concept of protagonists and antagonists and the people’s utilization of authority. While watching more episodes in the process of The Boys’ setting unravel, enthusiasts expectedly look forward to the future of this unconventional protagonist.

You can watch it on several streaming platforms like Netflix, Hurawatch, and etc. Will he find redemption? Or will he maintain the dark ways, and deepened the abyss of deviance into which he has fallen into? Only time will tell.

Frequent Asked Questions

Why is Homelander so obsessed with public approval?

Homelander’s obsession with public approval stems from his isolated upbringing. He was raised in a lab without any real human connections, which left him emotionally stunted. Because he never experienced genuine affection or love, he craves attention and admiration from the public. Their approval validates his existence and power, making him feel important and god-like.

Does Homelander have any weaknesses?

While physically, Homelander is nearly invincible, his greatest weakness lies in his mental state. He is deeply insecure and obsessed with maintaining his image. Any threat to his public persona sends him spiraling into instability. His fragile ego and need for constant validation can be exploited, potentially leading to his downfall.

Amber Mason

Amber Mason is a seasoned author with over six years of understanding within the realms of generation, artificial intelligence, and automation. Passionate about demystifying the hastily evolving tech landscape, Amber crafts compelling and informative articles that resonate with both fanatics and specialists alike. Her capability to break down complex ideas into attractive narratives has established her as a reputable and influential voice inside the tech writing network.

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